Author guidelines

Guidelines for collaborators


1. The articles shall be the result of high academic level researches; they must contribute with original knowledge and be unpublished in Spanish.


2. The length and the format of the text must adjust to the following: the title must be descriptive; it must correspond to the content of the article and have a maximum length of 55 characters (around ten words). For articles and essays, the maximum length is ten thousand words (approximately 30 pages including tables, notes and bibliographic references), they must include abstracts in Spanish and in English that are not longer than 100 words, and provide between 6 and 8 keywords in Spanish and in English. For reviews, the length is of 4 to 8 pages.


3. The works will be received through the OJS platform found in the following link:


4. It is necessary to incorporate the following: name of the author, academic degree, institution where the author works, address, telephone number, e-mail address and fax number.


5. Every visual material must be sent as a separate file and in the same program or format in which it was created. Images must be sent at 300 dpi.


6. The first time an acronym is mentioned, it must be written in extenso with the acronym between parentheses.


7. Notes or citations must be included with consecutive and automated numbers at the foot of the page.


8. The bibliographical citations that show up in the text must be between parentheses, indicating the last name of the author, publication date and number of pages. Example: (Habermas, 1987: pp. 361-363).


9. The critical apparatus and the bibliography must comprise only the cited works and must be presented in the APA format, fifth edition. For example:



Foucault, M. (1989). Vigilar y castigar. Nacimiento de la prisión. Buenos Aires: Siglo xxi Editores.


Book chapters:

Aguilar Villanueva, L. (1994). “Estudio introductorio”. En El estudio de las políticas públicas (pp.7-23). México: Editorial Porrúa.


Jounal articles:

Oliveira, F. (1979). La economía brasileña: crítica a la razón dualista. El Trimestre Económico 17, 59-112.


10. The bibliography is incorporated at the end of the article, including, in alphabetical order, all the works cited in the text and in the footnotes. The author must carefully make sure that there are no omissions or inconsistencies among the works that were referenced and the bibliography. The works of one author will be listed in descending order by publication date (2000, 1998, 1997, etcetera).


11. We recommend avoiding the use of words in a language other than Spanish and of unnecessary neologisms. When the use of a term in a foreign language becomes unavoidable (meaning there is no adequate translation for it), then a note between parentheses or a footnote must be included, explaining the word briefly or providing an approximate translation of the term.


12. The editorial coordination reserves the right to implement style corrections or editorial changes that it considers necessary in order to improve the work, including its title.


13. The collaborations that adjust to these guidelines and are approved by the direction of the Journal, will be submitted to double rulings by external specialists. During this process, the information on authors and members of the selection panel will remain strictly anonymous.


14. The authors of the original works approved for publication in Perfiles Latinoamericanos will receive, as a royalty, five copies of the issue in which their article is published, plus ten offprints of the same.


Important note: If the original work does not comply with the requirements, it will not be considered for publication.